Features API - Intro and Getting Started

Access features for your models with our powerful API

What is the Features API?

The Features API changes the way you’re able to use PredictHQ’s demand intelligence. The API aggregates and provides access to core statistics from our underlying event datasets, enabling you to use the features directly in your models, without the need for preparatory work. This significantly reduces the time required to implement our data, and enables us to better serve you.

What are some examples of features?

We offer a variety of features that you can explore today, these include, by category:

  • PHQ Attendance: Count, Min, Max, Average, Median, Sum, Standard Deviation

  • PHQ Rank: Count (Bucketed at a rank level)

Do you want to see the total number of people attending sports events within 10 miles of a location then you can get that with the Features API. Or, do you want to see the number of academic events happening at a university over a specific period - you can use the Features API for that too. We aim to provide a comprehensive library of different statistics, insights and aggregations on events data.

Where can I try it?

Getting Started

See our getting started guide for instructions on how to use the Features API.

Additionally, check out our data science notebooks for examples on integrating the Features API into your data science workflows, including demand forecasting.


The Features API is available through our Python SDK, which you can access here.

API Explorer

We recommend starting with the Features API using PredictHQ’s API Explorer, available in Control Center. You can use your existing API keys.

API Reference

See the API documentation for detailed information on all the request and response fields for the Features API.

What’s the cost / licensing?

The Features API is currently offered and available on all plans at no extra cost. 

How is this different from the Events API?

While the Events API provides detailed, granular information about specific events, the Features API focuses on statistical data. If you need detailed event data, the Events API is recommended. However, for understanding patterns, trends, and high-level aggregations across locations, the Features API is a powerful tool. We encourage you to explore both options and consult with our team to determine the best API for your needs. For many customers, a combination of both APIs will be most effective.

What are features?

It’s easy to misunderstand what features are - but it’s really simple in the context of data science, and not to be confused with product features! Features are essentially properties or characteristics from a set of data. This could be a sum, an average, or count of events, across a specific location, or several locations.